السبت، 17 سبتمبر 2011

Series of scientists and inventors

Ibn Sina

Is Abu Ali Husayn ibn Abdullah ibn al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Sina, known in medicine and philosophy, was born in the village (Avhna) Persian year 370 AH and died in 427 AH Humthan attack. The title of President Sheikh, and the bones of men of thought in Islam, the most famous philosophers of the Middle and doctors. Born in the village (Avhna) Persian zero in year 370 AH (year 980 m) of the mother and father of the people of the village came from Balkh (now Afghanistan). Then his family moved him to Bukhara (Uzbekistan) to run some of the work his father's financial Stan suggestive bin Mansour al-Samani al. In Bukhara, the Qur'aan, the son of ten years, and absorbed in the various sciences of jurisprudence and literature and philosophy of medicine, and remained in that city until he reaches the century. It is noted that when he was eighteen years of age treated Sultan Nuh ibn Mansur's disease when doctors is hot, the Sultan opened his library, rich reward. He then moved to the algorithm, where he stayed the order of ten years (392-402 AH), and from there to Gorgan Along irrigation. And then moved to Hamadan where he remained for nine years, and then entered in the service of the State Ala Isfahan. Thus he spent his life traveling until his death in Hamedan, in the month of Sha'ban in 427 AH (the year 1037 AD). Disease is said to be wounded, "colic" in his life. And when it approaches the feel for it, washed, and repent and believe and freed his slaves

Left Ibn Sina multiple books covering various fields of knowledge in his day, and most important:8 Science of the mechanism, and includes books of logic, and attached to the language of books and poetry.8 science theory, and includes books of science overall, and divine science, sports, science, and natural science.8 science process, and include books of ethics, and management of the house, and the management of the city, and legislation.

Mathematics wrote:The effects of Ibn Sina sports a corner, Euclid, concise, and brief Alaratamatiqi, and aware of the brief, and concise Almagest, and a message in the statement of the reason for the land in the middle of the sky. Printed in the total (inclusive Alibdaúa), in Cairo in 1917.

Natural science books and related accessories:Collected physics Ibn Sina in the healing and salvation, signs, etc. found in the bookcases of the messages not only to complete what was in these books. One of these messages: a message to invalidate the provisions of the stars, and a message in the upper bodies, and causes of lightning and thunder, and a message in the space, and a message in plants and animals.

Medicine wrote:Months, Ibn Sina Medical book of the law which has been translated and printed several times and which was taught at the universities of Europe until the late nineteenth century. It is also a book written by medical drugs attack, and writers pay for college physical disadvantages of humanity, and the Book of colic, and a message in the policy of the body and the virtues of the drink, and a message in the Anatomy of members, and in the message phlebotomy, and a message in the food and medicine. And Ibn Sina Medical Eragiz many, including: a poem on anatomy, poem Almejrebat in medicine, medical Millennium famous translated and printed


He is Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Musa Khwarizmi, it is said that the origin of the algorithm, which is located today in Uzbekistan, while al-Tabari refers to the rate in its history in the name of another algorithm, which is to Qatribl located near Baghdad, Mesopotamia. We do not know the year of his birth, but it is contemporary and safe. Resided in Baghdad, where his name and fame spread after it emerged his will in astronomy and mathematics. Contact Caliph Mamoun, who honored him, and referred it to work in "House of Wisdom", founded by the Caliph of the scientists, scientists become trusted. He died in 232 AH.
Leave the algorithm a number of books including: Zij first, Zij, known for writ of India, the book marble, book work Balastrlab, algebra book and interview, written for the necessary people from the need to in Muarithm and Ossaaahm, and Mkasemthm and judgments and their trade, and in all of the deal by including the earths and sleep area rivers and engineering, and other of its aspects and its arts. And addresses the algebra book and the interview transactions between people such as selling, purchasing, exchange of dirhams, leasing, and looking in the work of land surveying shall appoint the unit of measurement, and the practical work dealing with an area of ​​some surfaces, and the area of ​​a circle, and square piece of the Chamber, was appointed to the value of the ratio approximate i was 7 / 13 or 7 / 22, and also reached to the expense of some objects, Kherm triangular and quadrilateral pyramid and cone.It is characterized by the algorithm it is the first of the separation between science and algebra, and is the first to tackle algebra a logical scientific manner.Algorithm is not considered one of the most prominent Arab scientists, but a celebrity in the world of science, as there were many aspects of his genius. Apart from that, I put the foundations of modern algebra, leaving the important influences in astronomy and tomorrow (marriages), a reference to the employers of this science. The people briefed on the numbers of engineering, the wages of arithmetic is not available scientific nature of the Indians who took them these numbers. It could be argued that the rise of Europe in the mathematical sciences, which took him off his athletes, and otherwise to this renaissance was delayed and delayed for so civil not easy.Leave the algorithm a number of books including: Zij first, Zij, known for writ of India, the book marble, book work Balastrlab, algebra book and interview, written for the necessary people from the need to in Muarithm and Ossaaahm, and Mkasemthm and judgments and their trade, and in all of the deal by including the area of ​​the Two Lands, and the flow of rivers and engineering, and other of its aspects and its arts. And addresses the algebra book and the interview transactions between people such as selling, purchasing, exchange of dirhams, leasing, and looking in the work of land surveying shall appoint the unit of measurement, and the practical work dealing with an area of ​​some surfaces, and the area of ​​a circle, and square piece of the Chamber, was appointed to the value of the ratio approximate i was 7 / 13 or 7 / 22, and also reached to the account of the size of some objects, Kherm triangular and quadrilateral pyramid and cone.Khwarizmi also went to study mathematics, astronomy, geography and history. He formed his books, which flourished before the age when the Greek transport science. The algorithm was a safe astrologers, have participated in the calculation of the sun in Milan that time. He also addressed the issues in the practice of astrology. And discuss to what extent the combination of planets, a letter arrived the Prophet peace be upon him at birth. The algorithm also prepared a set of images of the heavens and the world at the request of the safe.But the real back-known algorithm that first invented algebra to remain at the forefront of sports science for three centuries in a row. And the equations of the second degree three types of boundaries defined root (Q) and money (Q 2) and the number of single (reduction of Q-free). Began by mentioning the equations that contain two of these double-edged border, the number of the three forms, respectively: (a) Q = b Q, a Q 2 = h, b h = Q.And explain how to solve the numerical examples, each limited to specific quantities positive.The algorithm was able to coordinate between the Greek and Indian mathematics, it is the Indian system, enter the numbers rather than letters of the alphabet. Enter the numbers and the decimal system, and use the zero. It is also the most important work he put tables pockets and a petition in triangles, and geometric representation of the cone cuts the expense of science and the development of two mistakes which led to the concept of differentiation. Also provided inputs to the algorithm and geographical maps. And books on practicing accountant and sundials and astrolabes.The impact of the algorithm in much of Western civilization, until the algorithm has been linked to the term "algorithm" means the provisions of the steps to solving mathematical problems. This term has been defined in European languages ​​to Algorithim (algorithms) as it was credited to enter the words other than the pit, such as zero Zero to Latin languages.There is no doubt that the work of the algorithm in the large field of mathematics were the result of his own research, but he performed well by many in the compilation and development of the information that was already present when the Greeks and Indians, he gave her the special nature of the commitment logic. With the algorithm, taking the world to use Arabic numerals that have changed drastically and the perception it.Click to view the image in a separate pageThe algorithm identified all elements of the algebraic equation as we understand it today. When algebra and algorithm means taking the negative border of a place in the sides of the equation of constraint to the other party, but it means deleting the corresponding limits are similar in the two parties. The algorithm introduced six classes of equations as follows:A Q = b Q, a Q 2 = c, b x = cA Q 2 + bx = c, ax 2 + c = b Q, a Q 2 Q = b + cThe algorithm has proved the various formulas for solutions through equal spaces. One of the main issues that forced six ratios algorithm to all works from the account of reparation and an interview is a proof of the equation that I knew his name (equivalent algorithm) is on the following image:Q 2 + 10 x = 39The athletes came from the Muslims after the algorithm and worked on the development and dissemination of equations.He is the algorithm another book is believed to be intended to be a book educational compact in arithmetic, which he explained the system to use numbers and numbers of India, as explaining ways to addition, subtraction, division and multiplication and calculate fractions, and the transfer of this booklet to Spain, and translated into Latin in the twelfth century He holds the book translated into German territory and returns it to the first version in 1143 AD, which is handwritten and is present in the library of tiles in Vienna, and found the second version of it in the monastery of Salem, which is now kept Phaidlberg. And soon the Germans that made the name of the algorithm something easier for them to pronounce Vosmoh Jerosmes poems in Latin, and organized a comment on his theory.Algorithm not only effort on the education of the West, writing numbers, arithmetic, went well beyond that point to the complex problems of mathematics. Al Qaeda is still computational Jerosmes today bears his name as a science of their flags. He knew his supporters in Germany, Spain and England, who fought great struggle for the dissemination of his way sports as Akhawarzmeyen, and was Zverhm supporters of mathematical method known as the Abacus great, spreading Arabic numerals nine preceded by a zero in all parts of Europe, and when the transfer of the West from the Arabs their numbers were taken with their way of read the numbers from right to left, the ones first, then dozens.The algorithm, when eating in his book Ground Zero in the operations of addition and subtraction, such as thirty-eight minus twenty-eight equals ten, said: "In the IPOs as there was no staying put is zero, do not leave the place empty, so there is no confusion between the single digits and double digits." He adds: "The zero must be on the right of the number, because the zero on the left of the one instance does not change the value does not make it ten," and see later that the translators of Western sources in Arab translate them literally into Latin and had been taken including the system of writing and reading among the Arabs, any from right to left.After that spread the Arabic numerals in Italy, she had to cross the Alps to Europe, and the journey arduous fraught with obstacles, they have to consider many of them with doubt and suspicion, and asked businessmen: to be very simple for those willing deception to change zero, for example, becomes a six- ? The new method, we facilitate our business, but opens the door wide open to deception, how Namnha the conclusion of contracts and covenants?But the new numbers began Despite this proves its existence, it is sufficient to write four digits of the Church of the record in its construction and luring those numbers the easy people, Victboha on the graves of the dead, then went slowly to the personnel records and traders came in place of numbers ROMANIAN long the occupy pages and pages. It took, despite all of this to several centuries before the graduated numbers ROMANIAN Barah forever, figures ROMANIAN was the official figures since he learned the Roman Germanic tribes carved on their premises, their money and spread through the tradesmen and their armies and monasteries, and forgotten people over the years that those figures strange them, Germans for example, were upset that the numbers of Arab expatriate, and it was difficult for people to learn to write Arabic numbers of new and read, Venzmoha Eragiz link between the form of Arabic numerals, and other forms familiar to them so easily saved and written, and rich people of those words is willing for them to sing, why This prevents the figures of the Romanian new figures to wrestle with a view to further stay, and the people's understanding of the meaning of the fields and the value of the numbers in the dozens or hundreds of the biggest problem faced wishing to learn Arabic numerals.Focused and math scores of her efforts in explaining to people the meaning of the fields and methods of use of those numbers. Signed and people are perplexed, they can not forget what they used to cramped centuries of Roman numerals at the same time they are eager to learn these simple Arabic numerals.Algorithm Research corrected Ptolemy in the Greek world geography, based on his own research. He supervised the work of 70 geographically to complete the first map of the world. When his work became known in Europe, translated into Latin, had a big role in the progress of science in the West.

Born thinker around 580 BC. M on the island of Samos in the Aegean Sea, Greece, and the island of Samos was one of the important commercial centers at the time, was characterized as a distinctive culture. This allowed for Pythagoras, the son of a man of Mysore, to receive the best education possible at the time, and while the sixteen years of age began to show his genius even teachers unable to answer his questions. So he moved to schooled by Tals Malta, the first Grecian conducted a study of the process of preparation. Pythagoras founded his school of about 529 BC. Krotona in M, a Grecian port of southern Italy was flourishing at the time, he enrolled a large number of students. The nearest school to be a religious group from the school to be the correct sense of the word. The members get to know a secret signal, and have a share in all things, as that is assisted by committing themselves to each other. Know the Pythagorean theorem, coupled with his name, and provides that in a right-angled triangle, and the box is the gut, ie the longest side, equal to the sum of boxes Aldilaan others. And also discovered the sum of the angles of the three angles of any triangle is equal to two lists. Some of them also believed that he was the thought in the multiplication table is known, although there is no proof of that. Pythagoras was fascinated with numbers, months, and he said: (all numbers of things). It is not that odd word, as it may seem at first glance, and that every thing in the world but is made up of numbers of atoms arranged in different forms. Pythagoras was thought that the numbers have forms such as those we see in (flowers) table and called the idea of ​​the numbers (square) or (cubic) but is his idea is. Pythagoras was not fond of numbers and engineering sciences, but also other known, as well as his passion for matters of religion were not there he wrote the then prevalent, was the preferred method is to continue to study improvisation and meet with scientists. Pythagoras spent several years in Egypt. In the fifty years of age he had learned a lot so he wanted the establishment of a school to teach others. Pythagoras was the lessons of dealing with four degrees of wisdom: arithmetic, geometry, music, astronomy, rights and duties toward others, and religion, and his students were required to practice the virtues of chivalry and piety, obedience and fidelity, that is all that was advocated by the Greek ideal of society. Pure life in the opinion of Pythagoras, it means the life of austerity. There are a number of rules that set was like a ritual, for example, was prohibited his disciples to turn the fire with a rod of iron, or pick up what happened on the ground, the music was Pythagoras of paramount importance. From the teachings of Pythagoras that the earth and the universe Mstdaran, so is the integrated education that combines the study of scientific and ethical norms and religion. Pythagoras was teaching a mixture of mysticism and mental analysis. Alwithagorsaon and indulge in politics, and whenever they were acquired or ordered authority groups have shown contempt for the ignorant that can not be able to live the high life of contemplation. This led to their downfall, after people revolted them. Pythagoras died in his eightieth year, and remained his teachings and theories are spreading!! After two hundred years, established the People's Assembly (parliament) a statue of Pythagoras in Rome in honor and appreciation and recognition as a great wise Igriqia

Ibn al-Nafis: a physician and scholar of the world
Grew up Ibn al-Nafis in the entire Qurashiyyah acts of Homs, and grew up in the middle of fields and gardens, and the Homs this present task of the Islamic world countries, where excelled by scholars in jurisprudence and Hadith, and in the Arabic language from about the exchange, and the statement, and the meanings and Badi.
He Aladdin Abu Ala Ibn al-Nafis to it, and joined the School of Jurisprudence and talk it, and has been studying science and Arab statement and disbursement, and understand their meanings and Bdiaha in record time Iatdh schools by Ibn al-Nafis, was a compliment teachers Telmivhm illustrious very encouraging, even horses to some that Ibn al-Nafis and the jurisprudence of the world will be a modern first-class.
But Ibn al-Nafis went in another direction, where he found himself eager for science and medicine, and perhaps the motivation to study medicine being in the year 629 AH / 1231 CE, a health crisis befell him he says it "has to offer us diets are different, and were enacted at that time the close of the two and twenty years, and while those of Aovina Almredh, make us ill we thought those doctors who treated him to engage in industry, medicine Nnf the people. " But this desire met with strong opposition from parents, because the study of medicine in those years was something new to the community of Homs, who was the councils of science which is full of jurisprudence, language, talk, and so astonished at the choice of Ibn al-Nafis of Medicine and his father was the first conscientious objectors to desire it, but Ibn al-Nafis insisted to study medicine, hoping his father to give him this opportunity, promising him to work to attain an advanced position in it.
After a long discussion, he persuaded his father, Ibn al-Nafis and the importance of studying medicine, he agreed to his son traveling to Damascus to attend the "bimaristan Nouri", relative to Nur ad-Din Builder bimaristan this.
Damascus was in that period under the rule of the Ayyubid who care for science in general and medicine in particular, and made Damascus the capital of Sciences and Arts, was home, in what has, library great containing precious books, and Pemmarstana greatly attracted the most skilled doctors age who flocked to him from everywhere.
In this Institute, he studied medicine Ibn al-Nafis by "polite-Din Abdel-Rahim," the famous eye doctor, who died in 628 AH / AD 1230 AD, and Imran Israeli deceased 637, H / 1229 AD. The doctor feat described by Ibn Abi Usaibia, who was born in Damascus (year 600 AH / 1203 AD) and Zamel Ibn al-Nafis in the apprenticeship and training on his hands, saying: "Having dealt with many diseases chronic they had been tired of life, and he gave doctors Brihm, Fberioa on his hands with drugs strange or treatments described in exquisite known. "
In the year 633 AH / 1236, fled Ibn al-Nafis to Cairo, and said she was on the impact of litigation sharp with Ibn Abi Usaibia, he enrolled Balbimarsstan of Nazareth, and was able to Jeddah and striving to become its president, and the pupils of the school medical attached to it, and then go a few years later to Bimaristan " Qalawun "on the impact of the construction is completed in 680 AH / 1281 AD.
It has also become physician to the Sultan Baybars al-Bunduqdari king of Egypt and the Levant, for the past twenty-two years of the Zahir Baybars.
Fame Ibn al-Nafis doctor, but he did not forget pay attention to the jurisprudence on the Shafi'i school, he enrolled in school Almsroria, was a contemporary in Egypt, significant events have had impact on the region and the world, including the Crusades in the Levant, and the invasion of Hulagu Khan and the Tatars to Baghdad, the destruction of the Tatars, once the word the most pain.
After thirty-nine years of his stay in Egypt, and in 671 AH / 1271 solution by the epidemic swept through towns and villages and wounded people seriously injured.
Confronted Ibn al-Nafis to the disease with courage, and when they grew the disease and spread in the Department of spread, and claimed that kills men, women and children, a medical team great for the implementation of his commandments in the treatment of patients, and after about six months, could the doctor to control the disease and its eradication, Vkrema Egyptians, and gave him gifts, and nicknamed him "Masri," and showered him money, which enabled him to buy a house spacious, and lived in affluence, and the frequency on its board of scientists, dignitaries and students asking him questions of jurisprudence, medicine, literature, and described his contemporaries as a cream self, good manners, a frank opinion, religious to Shafi'i school, so devoted to him Subki translation in his book "layers Shaafa'is major", as a jurist Hafiea. "
Coupled with the name Ibn al-Nafis discovered the minor blood circulation, or blood circulation, pulmonary, recorded in his book to "explain anatomy of law" by Ibn Sina, and before the world the English physician Harvey deceased (the year 1068 AH / 1657 AD), which was discussed at the session of the blood after more than three and a half centuries of the death of Ibn al-Nafis, people continued to deliberate, even during this illusion for the truth Mohiuddin Tatawi in his science.
Has raised what he wrote Tatawi the attention of researchers, led by "Meyerhof" German orientalist, who wrote in a research from Ibn al-Nafis: "What amazed me is similar, even identical sentences basic words Serfitus * hearings to Ibn Sina, which translated into a literal translation; As briefed "Aldumile" on Almtnin said: "The Ibn al-Nafis described the circulation and the small words match his words Serfitus completely, and so it is right to be attributed to detect rotation President not to Ibn al-Nafis" Serfitus or Harvey. "
However, the discovery of the minor blood circulation is one of the many contributions, but due to him that he had discovered twenty small and large for the circulatory system, and the development of the theory of impressive in vision and vision, and revealed many facts anatomical, and bring together the knowledge of medical and pharmaceutical in his day, and provided the knowledge bases for scientific research and perceptions of the experimental scientific method.
And Ibn al-Nafis was the first student from his patients the need for moderation in salt intake, and provided more accurate descriptions of the dangers of salt, and its impact on high pressure, and it excelled in the Anatomy of the larynx and respiratory system, arteries, and between functions.
As for the dissection of human bodies Ibn al-Nafis, the controversy around the house, and appeared on the horizon and views of the three:
First team deny that Ibn al-Nafis and scholars of Muslim Arabs anything anatomical was, and this view Max Meyerhof (18741954), who says: "The Islamic law in the first appearance allows the study of science at all, and we can say that since the back of the teacher of religious famous al-Ghazali (1111 m) onwards, the solution of religious persecution of these studies place to allow it, claiming it will lead to doubt in the belief the origin of the world the existence of creative, "but back Faaterv that:" if not this position is sufficient to prevent the emergence of scholars thinkers are free, there is no doubt, it was a factor very important to stifle the voices of those thinkers. "
The second group: such as Dr., Mr. Abdul Karim Shehadeh, and Dr. Amin Saad Khairallah, says: "Ibn al-Nafis had explained, but only to explain the animal." As did Galen.
The third group, including Dr. Solomon Qtaah, Dr. Haddad, they think that Ibn al-Nafis explain the body of rights, and strengthens the Panel's view, saying the legitimacy of an autopsy rights, and attributed the sovereignty of the idea of ​​prohibition autopsy rights to the legacies of the popular vernacular emanating from deep respect for the ancestors and the dead, nothing to do with religion to religion. This is addressed to the discussions between Clute your Kloot Bek doctor Mohamed Ali the Great, who established the school of Abu Zaabal medical, wanted to dissect the bodies for the education of students, objected by some, he went to the largest religious scholars at that time, Sheikh Laroussi, and got his approval hidden for the teaching of anatomy, and took promise him not to do so only cautiously and confidential, and that "a fear of collision ancient beliefs." To this effect went Ibn al-Nafis, said in the introduction to his book, "explained Anatomy": "The Sdna directly from the autopsy and scruples of Sharia, and the ethics of mercy."
This talk is seen by Dr. Solomon Qtaah evidence of the Ibn al-Nafis autopsy, where he says: It is known that the author writes the introduction to his book after the author, and perhaps to note the Ibn al-Nafis that the statement in his book was evidence that it carries the autopsy, and found that it is the best and most appropriate to deny charge him from the beginning, he wrote this sentence, especially as the few who read the whole speech, because a few copies of it.
It was based on "Meyerhof" and "limp" and others on this sentence to deny that Ibn al-Nafis autopsy at all.
Works of Ibn al-Nafis
Ibn al-Nafis many books, some published and others still locked shelves manuscripts did not see the light of day, from this literature:
Explain the chapters of Hippocrates, and polite in kohl tempter, the summary of Medicine, explain anatomy of law, one of the most important books, and highlights the value in describing the circulation of the blood micro-, and discovered that the heart muscle fed by the blood scattered inside not from the blood in his stomach. It shows confidence in the book Ibn al-Nafis in his knowledge; where the words of the greatest reverse two doctors, identified by the Arabs at that time, namely, Galen, and Avicenna, but his works are in the greatest masterpiece, the great known as the "destruction in the medical industry."
It was Ibn al-Nafis was drafting his collection in three hundred volumes, including the eggs of eighty, which is the epitome of scientific efforts of Muslims in Medicine and Pharmacy of five centuries of continuous work. Has developed Ibn al-Nafis to be a beacon and guide those who work in medical science.
Ibn al-Nafis to the genius in medicine, philosopher, scholar of history, scholar and linguist, he works in the language, grammar, even the son of copper linguist known not accept words, one in Cairo, as is the words of Ibn al-Nafis, and he was spending most of his time at work or in the composition and classification or in the education of his students.
Islamic writings:
Interested in Ibn al-Nafis, like the Muslim writers and scholars, science Islamic walking and talks, has remained one of his books that said about them, it was many a book in the biography of the Prophet (PBUH) under the title: "The message Camellia in the Biography of Muhammadiyah," and another book in the assets of the modern under Title: "brief in the modern pedagogy."
Has learned to speak a message in the book viewer Abu Hayyan monotheistic "Bin neighborhood awake," and this letter under the title "Bin Fadel spokesman."
Ibn al-Nafis also wrote books on jurisprudence, but it was on the alert for an explanation Shirazi .. However, the sources pointed out that this book mentioned a name did not get a copy of it to make sure of that.
It is said that Ibn Al-Nafis wrote in an explanation of the philosophy of the book "signals", and another of the book "to guide the wisdom" of the writer and President Sheikh Ibn Sina, and we note that most of his books were rated and an explanation of the famous books.
And death
In his last days, after he was eighty years of age, disease, six days a severe disease, and doctors tried to Ieljoh with wine, and pushed his mouth he is suffering from the torment of the disease, saying: "God is not threw something in the groundwater of the wine." Not long by the disease; died in the magic of Friday (21 November with 687 AH = 17 December 1288).

Ibn al-Haytham: Is the Arab world, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ibn al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham Abu Ali Basri, the world of optics and engineering has many books and scientific discoveries confirmed by modern science. Born Ibn al-Haytham in the city of Basra in Iraq in 354 AH - 965 AD, in the era was booming in the various sciences of mathematics and astronomy, medicine, etc., are worked on the study Alenghualbbarat and read the books of his predecessors of the Greek scientists and others in this area, he wrote several letters and books those in science and contributed to the development of the main rules to them. Ibn Al-Haitham, died in the city of Cairo in Egypt in 1038 m from the age of 73 inThe most important achievements: the corresponding (or optics) - image of the eclipse - the moon parallax - see the planets - the alarm on the monitoring of the mistake - square the circle - the assets of the area - columns triangles - Holocaust Balqtoa mirrors - mirrors the Holocaust circles - how to adumbration - message in the twilight - explain the origins of Euclid in engineering and the number - inclusive of the assets of the account - analysis of engineering problems - Analysis of numerical issues. Ibn al-Haytham and more than 80 books and a message, view the progress of the planets and the moon and other celestial bodies and their dimensions. Ibn al-Haytham much literature that up to eighty books and a message in the various fields of science, and perhaps most important of these writings the book scenes, which put the theory known which are based on optics later and states that the eye be able to see emission of radiation from objects at them and this is proven by science contrary to the modern world, the Greek Ptolemy, who said that the eye out toward the rays of the objects you can see it. .

Abu Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad Kharazmi known Berhan right.

Specialization:Philosopher and historian, a doctor and chemist and mathematician, astronomer, mine algorithm.
Birth:Born in the algorithm in 973 CE and died in Baghdad in 1051 AD.Born in the village from the outskirts of the capital of the Khorezm Cath. But do not know per Specifically, as he himself said, "I do not really know the ratios ... I do not know who was my grandfather."
Its inception:Grew up in the algorithm and studied the plant sciences to the world of Grecian, and then left at about the age of twenty to the coast of the Caspian Sea, which escape the pain of the disorder. In the new home met the second by Professor Abe easy Isa Christian. After the raft-Biruni, and lived many years in Persia and India, and studied philosophy as well as Greek philosophy. Has been hailed as the latter said, that did not give birth to other philosophies like Socrates.
Attributed to al-Biruni and Byron (now in Pakistan), had his lot with MahoratIbn Sina. Indicate Theages individual temperament, and the difficulty in his life began. Was more in correspondence of the complaint, but his life has improved after this when he settled in court Ghaznavi

Has the effect of strongly-Razi al-Biruni in his book even a thousand, but al-Biruni was unable to agree completely Razi in his beliefs. The Shiite al-Biruni was then returned to the year, and it was great intolerance for sex, and sense of brash nationalism, and pride in itself. However, it stated that the Arab appreciate his time on the transfer of Varsitha sciences of his time, al-Biruni wrote his books in Arabic about half, but had reservations, especially on the Arabic script was written as a name to open parents and housed up.

With the depth of ideas Peronist, was characterized by his style of Arabic highly complex and brevity. The neglected Biruni in his time, and then in the Islamic East, has never known in Andalusia, was not translated into Latin in the Middle Ages. Europe did not know, but in the nineteenth century AD. Rosen, and when «is unparalleled in the scientific literature or the old broker in the East or the West». It was launched by the French Orientalist Sarton on his time, from the mid-10th century to the mid-11th century CE, the name «Peronist era».
His works include:He has al-Biruni in mathematics, astronomy, astrology, history, geography, geology, pharmacy, natural science and other sciences. He described the sapphire Hamwi heritage that he was carrying more than camel. Is also a Peronist Mosusaan of the greatest scientists of all time. His works have been estimated as approximately 180 authors, including books, articles and a message. The most important of these books (extract properties of tendons in the constituency where the curved line actually). The Peronist select the length of the chord, and created ten water in it. And select the pocket 18, eternity, the equivalent of 0.30915 which is present in Jaddaolna 0.3090, also worked for Perrone Bottar brackets, find the value of water 20 i / 9 = 0.68404027, which is present in Jaddaolna equal to 0.68404028, has tried to Biruni triangulation angle. And created a formula for a half-Qatar is the land base of al-Biruni: Q = (P - Jinan) / (1 - Jinan).

As well as one thousandth Biruni (Masoudi in the law and the stars), which has followed the example of Ptolemy's works, and make an introduction and three parts. It includes (Law Masoudi) for 11, 135 Pope article. Examines the first part of it (4 articles) in the universe and the earth and ether and calendars). And second (4 articles) in the countries and the distances and movements of the sun and the planets and the solar and lunar eclipses. And third (3 articles) in the sky images. It has been said that he gave to al-Biruni wrote his book to Sultan Masud, Sir Sultan has three beauty loaded with silver, he returned that al-Biruni, saying he only serves the science of science is not for money.
It works in astronomy, al-Biruni (work Balastrlab) and (the traditions), as well as his letters (scattered in the body), which collected 11 Communication various of them (the establishment of proof on the circle of Bozjani) and (how to flatten the ball to Sagani). Peroni and in astrology (Altfahim stars of the early industry), and Geochemistry (Aljmaher to know the jewels), which consists of two parts. First of which language, looking at what was said in gems and metals from literature and poetry. The second arrange gems to sapphire, and Bdkhchi, and Bjave, and Diamond, and Staazj, and pearl, and emerald, and turquoise, and divides the metals to mercury, gold, silver, copper, and iron, and the ESRB, and zinc, and alum, and copper, white, and copper cast. Has dedicated his book al-Biruni (Aljmaher) conquest of the king my father Moudud bin Masood. Biruni has identified specific weight of the eighteen metal and stone, and denied the possibility of converting minerals, and ignore the magical properties of stones.
Have moved us from Al-Biruni correspondence with Ibn Sina about 20 messages. He may, in the general history (the lingering effects of centuries-free), which was highly recognized in Europe. India has all along (Rachikat India) is a famous history book (for India to achieve what of the argument acceptable or Mrzulh). Biruni was known that the plains of India was under water, sediments and the sea had deposited on it. And to the Al-Biruni serious attempts to flatten the image, and simplify the mapping.
He produced al-Biruni in Pharmacy (Pharmacy in the Book of Medicine), which includes real estate properties derived from plants and herbs, animals and minerals. In the book, chapters on the duties and work of the pharmacist

الجمعة، 16 سبتمبر 2011

Geniuses Americans

Robert A.Millikan

Robert Andrews Millikan was born on the 22nd of March, 1868, in Morrison, Ill. (U.S.A.), as the second son of the Reverend Silas Franklin Millikan and Mary Jane Andrews. His grandparents were of the Old New England stock which had come to America before 1750, and were pioneer settlers in the Middle West. He led a rural existence in childhood, attending the Maquoketa High School (Iowa). After working for a short time as a court reporter, he entered Oberlin College (Ohio) in 1886. During his undergraduate course his favourite subjects were Greek and mathematics; but after his graduation in 1891 he took, for two years, a teaching post in elementary physics. It was during this period that he developed his interest in the subject in which he was later to excel. In 1893, after obtaining his mastership in physics, he was appointed Fellow in Physics at Columbia University. He afterwards received his Ph.D. (1895) for research on the polarization of light emitted by incandescent surfaces - using for this purpose molten gold and silver at the U.S. Mint.

On the instigation of his professors, Millikan spent a year (1895-1896) in Germany, at the Universities of Berlin and Göttingen. He returned at the invitation of A. A. Michelson, to become assistant at the newly established Ryerson Laboratory at the University of Chicago (1896). Millikan was an eminent teacher, and passing through the customary grades he became professor at that university in 1910, a post which he retained till 1921. During his early years at Chicago he spent much time preparing textbooks and simplifying the teaching of physics. He was author or co-author of the following books: A College Course in Physics, with S.W. Stratton (1898); Mechanics, Molecular Physics, and Heat (1902); The Theory of Optics,with C.R. Mann translated from the German (1903); A First Course in Physics, with H.G. Gale (1906); A Laboratory Course in Physics for Secondary Schools,with H.G. Gale (1907); Electricity, Sound, and Light,with J. Mills (1908); Practical Physics - revision of A First Course(1920); The Electron(1917; rev. eds. 1924, 1935).

As a scientist, Millikan made numerous momentous discoveries, chiefly in the fields of electricity, optics, and molecular physics. His earliest major success was the accurate determination of the charge carried by an electron, using the elegant "falling-drop method"; he also proved that this quantity was a constant for all electrons (1910), thus demonstrating the atomic structure of electricity. Next, he verified experimentally Einstein's all-important photoelectric equation, and made the first direct photoelectric determination of Planck's constant h (1912-1915). In addition his studies of the Brownian movements in gases put an end to all opposition to the atomic and kinetic theories of matter. During 1920-1923, Millikan occupied himself with work concerning the hot-spark spectroscopy of the elements (which explored the region of the spectrum between the ultraviolet and X-radiation), thereby extending the ultraviolet spectrum downwards far beyond the then known limit. The discovery of his law of motion of a particle falling towards the earth after entering the earth's atmosphere, together with his other investigations on electrical phenomena, ultimately led him to his significant studies of cosmic radiation (particularly with ionization chambers).

Throughout his life Millikan remained a prolific author, making numerous contributions to scientific journals. He was not only a foremost scientist, but his religious and philosophic nature was evident from his lectures on the reconciliation of science and religion, and from his books: Science and Life(1924); Evolution in Science and Religion (1927); Science and the New Civilization (1930); Time, Matter, and Values (1932). Shortly before his death he published Electrons (+ and –), Protons, Photons, Neutrons, Mesotrons, and Cosmic Rays (1947; another rev. ed. of The Electron, previously mentioned,) and his Autobiography(1950).

During World War I, Millikan was Vice-Chairman of the National Research Council, playing a major part in developing anti-submarine and meteorological devices. In 1921, he was appointed Director of the Norman Bridge Laboratory of Physics at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena; he was also made Chairman of the Executive Council of that institute. In 1946 he retired from this post. Professor Millikan has been President of the American Physical Society, Vice-President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and was the American member of the Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations, and the American representative at the International Congress of Physics, known as the Solvay Congress, at Brussels in 1921. He held honorary doctor's degrees of some twenty-five universities, and was a member or honorary member of many learned institutions in his country and abroad. He has been the recipient of the Comstock Prize of the National Academy of Sciences, of the Edison Medal of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, of the Hughes Medal of the Royal Society of Great Britain, and of the Nobel Prize for Physics 1923. He was also made Commander of the Legion of Honour, and received the Chinese Order of Jade.

Millikan was an enthusiastic tennis player, and golf was also one of his recreations.

Professor Millikan married Greta Erwin Blanchard in 1902; they had three sons: Clark Blanchard, Glenn Allen, and Max Franklin.

He died on the 19th of December, 1953, in San Marino, California.

Arthur H.Compton

When Arthur Compton graduated from college he considered taking up a religious career. But his father advised him that he ought to go into science: "Your work in this field may become a more valuable Christian service than if you were to enter the ministry or become a missionary." Such thoughts helped Compton reconcile the two chief influences of his upbringing, devout religion and intellectual work. His father was Professor of Philosophy and later Dean of the College of Wooster, where Arthur was educated; his older brother and good friend Karl, later a noted physicist and president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, communicated his own love of science.

At an early point Karl introduced Arthur to the study of X-rays, which was to be the younger brother's main line of work for many years. In 1913 he followed Karl to Princeton, and for his Ph.D. thesis studied the angular distribution of X-rays reflected from crystals. On graduation in 1916 he married a classmate from Wooster College, Betty McCloskey, who became an intelligent and enthusiastic partner in his later activities. Compton was named instructor in physics at the University of Minnesota, one of a number of state-supported schools that were working hard to teach science and to introduce the spirit of pure research. The experiments begun here eventually led Compton to state that magnetization of a material depends not on the orbits of the electrons in it, but on the electron's own elementary characteristics; he was the first to suggest the existence of quantized electron spin.

Meanwhile he found a job in industry. Engineering had always attracted him, and in 1917 he took a well-paid position as research engineer for Westinghouse. In this work (and in later work helping General Electric develop fluorescent lighting) Compton was starting on a path that many American physicists followed. Industrial laboratories were growing even more rapidly than academic ones; before World War I industry employed less than 10 percent of the members of The American Physical Society, and not long after, 25 percent.

In 1919 Compton was awarded one of the first National Research Council fellowships. These gave many American physicists of the 1920's and 1930's a chance to study as they chose, and for Compton this meant X-rays. He took his fellowship to the Cavendish Laboratory in England. But the X-ray apparatus there turned out to be inadequate, so he worked on allied problems with gamma rays. He conclusively verified earlier studies by others that showed puzzling variations of wavelength with scattering angle. Back in the United States as head of the physics department in Washington University, St. Louis, Compton pursued this problem, now working again with X-rays. Since his childhood he had possessed great self-confidence, manual skill, ingenuity and patience. All these combined to help him perfect his apparatus and measure the shift of wavelength with scattering angle that is now known as the Compton effect. Studying this result, he carefully considered and eliminated various attempts at classical explanation. In late 1922 he hit upon the stunningly simple answer, which required special relativity and quantum mechanics, both used in ways that were scarcely understood at the time. When he reported his experimental and theoretical results at meetings of The American Physical Society, Compton stimulated strong interest and strong opposition. But his work quickly triumphed and had a powerful effect on the development of quantum theory. Compton's work, along with the work of others of his generation, marks the emergence of American theoretical physics as the equal of any in the world.

In 1923 Compton took up the professorship at the University of Chicago just vacated by Millikan. Like his predecessor he proved to be a remarkable teacher, attracting and stimulating many students. With their help he continued to produce important papers, first on X-rays and later on cosmic rays. Following the family tradition of Christian service to education, just after the Second World War he reluctantly left physics research to become a highly successful chancellor of Washington University.

During the war Compton was in charge of the "Metallurgical Laboratory" in Chicago where Enrico Fermi and others worked on the fission chain reaction. Leading the Met Lab was a nerve-wracking job, for the scientists there were under intense pressure. They were never sure that German scientists would not be the first to set off a nuclear bomb. Compton and many others had always felt that physics was important to the future of the nation, but this was the first time American physicists had seen that their very lives and freedom might depend on the progress of their research. When the world's first nuclear reactor went critical at the Met Lab on December 2, 1942, physicists became central figures in a new geopolitics.

Carl David Anderson

Carl David Anderson, who was born of Swedish parents - his father was Carl David Anderson and his mother Emma Adolfina Ajaxson - in New York City (USA) on 3rd September, 1905, has spent the bulk of his life in the United States. He graduated from the California Institute of Technology in 1927 with a B.Sc. degree in Physics and Engineering, and was awarded his Ph.D. degree by the same Institute, in 1930. For the period 1930-1933 he was Research Fellow there, subsequently (1933) Assistant Professor of Physics, and Professor of Physics (1939) During the war years (1941-1945) he was also active on projects for the National Defence Research Committee and the Office of Scientific Research and Development.

His early researches were in the field of X-rays. For his doctoral thesis he studied the space distribution of photoelectrons ejected from various gases by X-rays. In 1930, with professor millikan, he began his cosmic-ray studies which led in 1932 to the discovery of the positron. He has studied the energy distribution of cosmic-ray particles and the energy loss of very high speed electrons in traversing matter. In 1933 he and Dr. Neddermeyer obtained the first direct proof that gamma rays from ThC" generate positrons in their passage through material substances. Since 1933 he has continued his work on radiation and fundamental particles. Most of Anderson's researches and discoveries have been published in The Physical Review and Science.

Among the scientific honours bestowed upon him, in addition to the Nobel Prize, may be mentioned the following: Gold Medal of the American Institute of City of New York (1935); Sc.D. of Colgate University (1937); Elliott Cresson Medal of the Franklin Institute (1937); Presidential Certificate of Merit (1945); LL.D. Temple University (1949); John Ericsson Medal of the American Society of Swedish Engineers (1960

Charles Kao

Charles Kao physicist awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2009, was born in Shanghai (now the Jinshan District of Shanghai) in 1933 completed his secondary education at St. Joseph's College in Hong Kong; and then graduated in electrical engineering in 1957 from the College of Applied Arts and Woolwich (now University of Greenwich), and received a Ph.D. in electrical engineering in 1965 from Imperial College London

Christopher Pissarides
Prof Christopher Pissarides's Professional Career Career

LSE: lectr 1976-82, reader 1982-86, prof 1986-, convener Economics Dept 1996-99, dir Macroeconomics Research Prog 1990-2007, dir Int Summer Sch in Economics 1993-96 and 2001-03; research fell: Centre for Economic Policy Research 1994-, Inst for the Study of Labor (IZA) Bonn 2001-; visiting prof: Harvard Univ 1979-80, Princeton Univ 1984, European Univ Inst 1989, Univ of Calif Berkeley 1989-90; Houblon-Norman fell Bank of England 1994; memb Bd Review of Economic Studies 1983-92; bd chm Economica 2007- (ed 1980-83, assoc ed 1996-), assoc ed Economic Jl 2000-05; conslt: World Bank, EU, OECD; expert Treasy Ctee House of Commons 2001-05, memb Cyprus Monetary Policy Ctee 2000-07, non-national sr assoc Forum for Economic Research in the Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey 2002-, memb Employment Taskforce EC 2003-04; memb Interim Governing Bd Univ of Cyprus 1989-95; jt winner IZA Prize in Labor Economics 2005; hon doctorate Univ of Cyprus 2009; memb: Royal Economic Soc (memb Cncl 1996-2001), European Economic Assoc (memb Cncl 2005-, vice-pres 2009, pres elect 2010, pres 2011); fell Econometric Soc (memb Cncl 2005-), FBA 2002, fell Soc of Labor Economists 2008; Repub of Cyprus Aristeion for the Arts, Literature and Sciences 2008

Prof Christopher

Robert C. Merton is University Professor Emeritus at Harvard Business School, where he was the George Fisher Baker Professor of Business Administration from 1988 to 1998 and the John and Natty McArthur University Professor from 1998 until his retirement in 2010. He is currently the School of Management Distinguished Professor of Finance at MIT’s Sloan School of Management, where he previously served on the finance faculty from 1970 until 1988. Merton is past President of the American Finance Association, a member of the National Academy of Sciences and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He received the Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1997 for a new method to determine the value of derivatives.

الخميس، 15 سبتمبر 2011

Geniuses Egyptians

ElBaradei, an Egyptian scientist

Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei is the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), an intergovernmental organization that is part of the United Nations system. He was appointed to the office effective 1 December 1997, and reappointed to a third term in September 2005.

From 1984, Dr. ElBaradei was a senior staff member of the IAEA Secretariat, holding a number of high-level policy positions, including Agency's Legal Adviser and subsequently Assistant Director General for External Relations.

Dr. ElBaradei was born in Cairo, Egypt, in 1942, son of the late Mostafa ElBaradei, a lawyer and former President of the Egyptian Bar Association. He gained a Bachelor's degree in Law in 1962 at the University of Cairo, and a Doctorate in International Law at the New York University School of Law in 1974.

He began his career in the Egyptian Diplomatic Service in 1964, serving on two occasions in the Permanent Missions of Egypt to the United Nations in New York and Geneva, in charge of political, legal and arms control issues. From 1974 to 1978 he was a special assistant to the Foreign Minister of Egypt. In 1980 he left the Diplomatic Service to join the United Nations and became a senior fellow in charge of the International Law Program at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research. From 1981 to 1987 he was also an Adjunct Professor of International Law at the New York University School of Law.

During his career as diplomat, international civil servant and scholar, Dr. ElBaradei has become closely familiar with the work and processes of international organizations, particularly in the fields of international peace and security and international development. He has lectured widely in the fields of international law, international organizations, arms control and the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and is the author of various articles and books on these subjects. He belongs to a number of professional associations, including the International Law Association and the American Society of International Law.

In October 2005, Dr. ElBaradei and the IAEA were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for efforts "to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way." In addition, he has received multiple other awards for his work. These include the International Four Freedoms award from the Roosevelt Institute, the James Park Morton Interfaith Award, and the Golden Plate Award from the Academy of Achievement. Dr. ElBaradei is also the recipient of a number of honorary degrees and decorations, including a Doctorate of Laws from New York University and the Nile Collar – the highest Egyptian decoration.

Dr. ElBaradei is married to Aida Elkachef, an early childhood teacher. They have a daughter, Laila, a lawyer in private practice, and a son, Mostafa, a studio director with a television network, both of whom live and work in London, England.

On the banks of the Nile, the Rosetta branch, I lived an enjoyable childhood in the City of Disuq, which is the home of the famous mosque, Sidi Ibrahim. I was born (February 26, 1946) in nearby Damanhur, the "City of Horus", only 60 km from Alexandria. In retrospect, it is remarkable that my childhood origins were flanked by two great places - Rosetta, the city where the famous Stone was discovered, and Alexandria, the home of ancient learning. The dawn of my memory begins with my days, at Disuq's preparatory school. I am the only son in a family of three sisters and two loving parents. My father was liked and respected by the city community - he was helpful, cheerful and very much enjoyed his life. He worked for the government and also had his own business. My mother, a good-natured, contented person, devoted all her life to her children and, in particular, to me. She was central to my "walks of life" with her kindness, total devotion and native intelligence. Although our immediate family is small, the Zewails are well known in Damanhur.
The family's dream was to see me receive a high degree abroad and to return to become a university professor - on the door to my study room, a sign was placed reading, "Dr. Ahmed," even though I was still far from becoming a doctor. My father did live to see that day, but a dear uncle did not. Uncle Rizk was special in my boyhood years and I learned much from him - an appreciation for critical analyses, an enjoyment of music, and of intermingling with the masses and intellectuals alike; he was respected for his wisdom, financially well-to-do, and self-educated. Culturally, my interests were focused - reading, music, some sports and playing backgammon. The great singer Um Kulthum (actually named Kawkab Elsharq - a superstar of the East) had a major influence on my appreciation of music. On the first Thursday of each month we listened to Um Kulthum's concert - "waslats" (three songs) - for more than three hours. During all of my study years in Egypt, the music of this unique figure gave me a special happiness, and her voice was often in the background while I was studying mathematics, chemistry... etc. After three decades I still have the same feeling and passion for her music. In America, the only music I have been able to appreciate on this level is classical, and some jazz. Reading was and still is my real joy.
As a boy it was clear that my inclinations were toward the physical sciences. Mathematics, mechanics, and chemistry were among the fields that gave me a special satisfaction. Social sciences were not as attractive because in those days much emphasis was placed on memorization of subjects, names and the like, and for reasons unknown (to me), my mind kept asking "how" and "why". This characteristic has persisted from the beginning of my life. In my teens, I recall feeling a thrill when I solved a difficult problem in mechanics, for instance, considering all of the tricky operational forces of a car going uphill or downhill. Even though chemistry required some memorization, I was intrigued by the "mathematics of chemistry". It provides laboratory phenomena which, as a boy, I wanted to reproduce and understand. In my bedroom I constructed a small apparatus, out of my mother's oil burner (for making Arabic coffee) and a few glass tubes, in order to see how wood is transformed into a burning gas and a liquid substance. I still remember this vividly, not only for the science, but also for the danger of burning down our house! It is not clear why I developed this attraction to science at such an early stage.
After finishing high school, I applied to universities. In Egypt, you send your application to a central Bureau (Maktab El Tansiq), and according to your grades, you are assigned a university, hopefully on your list of choice. In the sixties, Engineering, Medicine, Pharmacy, and Science were tops. I was admitted to Alexandria University and to the faculty of science. Here, luck played a crucial role because I had little to do with Maktab El Tansiq's decision, which gave me the career I still love most: science. At the time, I did not know the depth of this feeling, and, if accepted to another faculty, I probably would not have insisted on the faculty of science. But this passion for science became evident on the first day I went to the campus in Maharem Bek with my uncle - I had tears in my eyes as I felt the greatness of the university and the sacredness of its atmosphere. My grades throughout the next four years reflected this special passion. In the first year, I took four courses, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and geology, and my grades were either excellent or very good. Similarly, in the second year I scored very highly (excellent) in Chemistry and was chosen for a group of seven students (called "special chemistry"), an elite science group. I graduated with the highest honors - "Distinction with First Class Honor" - with above 90% in all areas of chemistry. With these scores, i was awarded, as a student, a stipend every month of approximately £13, which was close to that of a university graduate who made £17 at the time!

Farouk El-Baz

Young brown bears on his face all the features of genuine Egyptian, after 41 years spent in an immigrant in America, suggest some of the Egyptian dialect Asamama between the letters .. They call "King" Despite what you feel in the spirit of simplicity .. It d. Farouk El-Baz .. Director of the Institute of Space Research at the University of Boston .. Reported what was said about him on the lips of "Alfred and sleeve," one astronaut in the Apollo flight to the moon when they arrived: "After training King .. I feel like I came here before."How was the beginning? .. What is a jump shift? .. What holds d. Farouk in his dreams?
HomeDr. Born. Farouk in the first of January 1938, a simple case of a family in the village of Tokh Sanblawin pens from the villages in the province of Dakahlia, encouraged by parents on the gradient in the different stages of education, where they were always believe in his abilities and his genius .. His father was the first to obtain an education in his village Azhari .. His mother was, despite its simplicity to help him in making crucial decisions, where they have the innate intelligence as described by d. Farouk.His wish was to be a surgeon for the brain .. But his hopes ended in failure when he was not allowed a total of total enrollment at the Faculty of Medicine; so much so in the spirit of the least enthusiastic to join the Faculty of Science - Ain Shams University - and chosen without the College of Dentistry; because it was closer to home, and take walking to an hour and a half, which helps him not to Sharks wasted in going to public transport .. Although it was aired since childhood Go to Scout trips and collecting rock samples, did not hear about the science of geology - the source of his genius - but when he joined the Faculty of Science.He received his BSc (Chemistry - Geology) in 1958, and taught geology at Assiut University until 1960, when he won a scholarship to complete his studies in the United States. Received a Masters degree in geology in 1961 from the Institute of Mineralogy, Mo. U.S. .. And received honorary membership in one of the important associations (Sigma Xi) in recognition of his thesis, he earned his doctorate in 1964 and specialized in economic technology .. And was able to visit during this period, important mines, and collect thousands of samples from the country of the world visited.
Back to EgyptThe eyes of Dr.. Farouk always heading to Egypt for the duration of his stay in America. Collected his samples and his research and returned to his country, and all hope for the establishment of a Higher Institute of Geology in his beloved .. But the surprise was waiting for him .. "You receive a teacher of chemistry at the Higher Institute of Suez", so simply after eight years in the study of geology, studying chemistry at the Institute have not heard of him before.Despite his shock and surprise, did not lose hope .. And go to the ministry officials to hear one, but his efforts failed after three months of perseverance .. He was forced to go to receive the Institute's work in this mysterious; in the hope that one hears after the receipt of his new job.But he met a friend there is some reason God made him to change the course of his life, he met one of his fellow physicists, and the holder of a nuclear engineering from Russia, and was forced to teach sound and light, which advised him not to receive his work so as not to lose everything .. Vahtal d. Farouk and withdraw his papers after the minutes of their submission to the Department of the Institute.
Way to the immigration"I did not imagine the days to migrate away from my country" .. D uttered. Baz is the story of his emigration; In December of 1966 and after years of suffering, he decided to travel secretly to America; fear of thorny political conditions that were in Egypt at that time. And there began the arduous journey in search of work, due to the arrival after the start of the school year, did not accept any university of universities; took sends requests for admission to the companies exceeded cent in the number, that sent him a "NASA" that she asked geologists specializing in the moon approval center d surprise. Farouk.The irony is that he did not know anything about the geology of the moon, NASA came he did not know where it will have an affair. The jurisprudence of God to a geological conference in which they occur and scientists for moon and Vohath Mnkhvdhath and mountains. Did not understand something, which is what was said for three consecutive days, and when he asked a man seated on a book combining the terrain, he replied: "We do not need to any book we know everything about him" .. His answer to the research and knowledge, and entered the library that reverberated with the lunar images, dusty, and has been studying image 4322 for three whole months, and reached the excellent information.
Jump shiftD discovered. Baz said that there are about 16 places suitable for landing on the moon, and in the second conference which was attended by. D was. Baz on the podium shows the findings of the central question for the audience what it is, even the world, who told him before we know everything about the moon and said: "Now that we discovered we do not know anything about the moon."Income Baz Date NASA, and was given the two main tasks in the first flight to land human on the moon: the first is the selection of landing sites on the surface of the moon, and the second crew training astronauts to describe the moon in a geological science, and collect the required samples, and filmed with modern equipment associated with.In recognition of his teacher, sent a "Neil Armstrong" a letter in Arabic to the ground, and took with him a paper written by Al-Fatihah and a prayer d. Farouk named after him success.
D start. BazThe launch of Apollo and the success of his mission brighten d star. Farouk El-Baz, after attending the year 1967 AD to 1972 AD, and his name began to take place in the scientific press and American television.After completion of the mission of Apollo, took part with the Smithsonian Institute in Washington in the establishment and management research center in the International Museum of the universe of space.In 1973, he worked as head of global observation and photography project in the Apollo-soyuz who made the first Soviet-American mission in July 1975.In 1986 he joined the Boston University Center for Remote Sensing using space technology in the areas of geology, geography, has developed a system of remote sensing in the discovery of some Egyptian antiquities.
Baz .. Leading the desertD direction. Baz then to study the desert .. During the 25 years he spent in this area so far, interested in filming the dry areas, especially in the North African desert, gathering information from the Sahara during his visits per basic around the world .. The most distinguished of his visit to the desert in the north-western China after the normalization of relations with the United States in 1979 .. Because of his research was elected a Fellow of the American Institute for the Advancement of Science AAAS.Which characterizes the d. Baz used modern techniques in the study of the desert, where he used first in the Western Desert in Egypt, then the desert of Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, and others.His research has refuted the previous information that the Sahara was one of the results of human action, and it proved a natural evolution of the climate changes of the land.Chosen by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, a scientific adviser to his government in 1978 -1981 AD, and charged him with the task of selecting the areas of desert suitable for the establishment of new urban projects. The scientific way to explain how accurate utilization of natural resources to his native Egypt. Called to the importance of studying the groundwater, which wastes a lot of them in the seas and oceans without the use of, and apply space technology to study and study paths Lakes depleted.Club - and still calls - "Bakmr particular specialist of the desert"; because all the satellite images in place but have to study the vegetation, and as the first people to study our land of the desert West, which has nothing, and it has worked to establish centers of study space photography and remote sensing in Qatar, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE.
Mobilization of certificates and medalsD elected. Baz as a member, or an envoy or the head for about 40 institutes, councils and committees .. Which elected an envoy to the Third World Academy of Sciences TWAS in 1985, and became its advisory board in 1997, and a member of the Council of space science and technology, and head of the institution maintaining the Egyptian antiquities, and a member of the International Center of Physics Academy of UNESCO, the envoy of the African Academy of Sciences, Fellow of the Islamic Academy of Sciences Pakistan, a founding member of the Arab Academy for Science, Lebanon .. And Chairman of the Arab Society of Desert Research.D wrote. Baz, 12 books, including the Apollo over the moon, the desert and dry land, the Gulf War and the environment, Atlas of satellite photos of Kuwait .. And participates in the Advisory Board for several international scientific journals.Written numerous articles, and has many meetings about the story of his life and reached the forty .. Including "Egyptian stars in the sky", "Al-Ahram to the Moon", "farmer boy over the moon" .. And others.D won. Baz on nearly 31 award, we recall, for example: Achievement Award of Apollo, medal, Special Science Award of the training team from NASA, Award team flag Aalghemriaat, award the team at Project Apollo U.S. Soviet Award Merit First Class of the President Anwar Sadat, the Golden Door Award from the International Institute in Boston, the son of the distinctive province of Dakahlia, has been named the primary school in his name .. Which is within the Board of Trustees of the Geological Society of America, the Egyptian Center for Economic Studies, Council of Egyptian-American relations.Was established by the Geological Society of America annual award in his name called the "Farouk El-Baz Award for Desert Research."D of papers. Baz published scientific to about 540 scientific papers, either by alone or with others .. And supervises many doctoral dissertations.
Scientific vision and social lifeD pain. Farouk believes that when the Arab governments in the developing tail of the country, due to the lack of appreciation of science in our Arab countries, and not to make room for human creativity. He says that developed countries spend at least 2% of their GDP on scientific research, and we spend less than ½%, and we spend 98% of these funds on salaries and administrators .. D wonder. Baz, from the Arab countries that do not know to what extent that may help in all aspects of science and other fields.D Gal. Farouk world, east and west, and lectured in many research centers and universities .. I love scouting trips, and collect rock samples from a young age .. He is fluent in Arabic and English fluently and also speaks some German, French and Spanish .. Accused by some as extreme self-confidence, but he always says: "Knowledge is a trust, I do not say anything until after the study well" .. And d. Baz is married to an American, a father of four daughters are: bright, rich, generous, and Feroz .. Found for three of the grandchildren.D say. Baz: "Thank God Almighty I saw things I did not see her twentieth gay", this is d. Farouk El-Baz and Bbdayate Advances and dreams .. How many like him who Nbgua and contrived, but .. Outside their homes.

  Dr. Magdi Yacoub

Sir Magdi Habib Yacoub Egyptian-British professor and a prominent heart surgeon was born in November 16, 1935 in the Eastern province of Belbeis to the family of Coptic Orthodox descend assets of Assiut.He studied medicine at the University of Cairo and educated in Chicago and then moved to Britain in 1962 to serve London Chest Hospital, then became a specialist heart and lung surgery in the hospital Harfield (from 1969 to 2001) and director of scientific research and education (since 1992).Was appointed professor at the National Institute for the heart and lung in 1986. Interested in the development and transfer of heart surgery techniques since 1967. In 1980, the process of transferring the heart of the patient and Drake Morris, who became the longest patient transfer European heart alive until his death in July 2005.Among the celebrities who had operations for them was the British comedian Eric Morecambe. And Queen Elizabeth II awarded him a knighthood in 1992 and called in the British media title of king of hearts. When he became 65 years old retired from surgery and continued as a consultant and stock transfers to the members. In 2006 cut his retirement Magdi Yacoub operations to lead the complex process that requires removal of the heart implanted in a patient after healing of the natural heart.Where the heart is still the natural child of the patient during the transplant and the former carried out by Sir Magdi Yacoub. Obtained a Fellowship Royal College of Surgeons in London and got the titles and honorary degrees from Brunel University and Cardiff and Ovbura and Middlesex (United Kingdom) and Lund, Sweden

 Mostafa El_sayed
Professor of Chemistry at the University of Georgia, TechnologyDr. Mostafa El-Sayed graduated from the Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University in 1953. And ranked first on the first installment, and has traveled to America on a scholarship and settled even today, but its relevance was never interrupted his homeland of Egypt.Elected member of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States in 1980, and took over the 24-year tenure as editor of "Journal of physical chemistry," one of the most important scientific journals in the world.It also won the King Faisal International Prize for Science in 1990 and numerous awards academic scientific institutions of science the various American and Fellowship Academy of Arts and Sciences, American cinema, and the membership of the American Association of Physical Science, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Third World Academy of Sciences.Focused research, Dr. Mustafa al-Sayyid about using technology nanotechnology in medicine, particularly in cancer research, with the participation of his son, Dr. Ayman professor of surgery head and neck cancer center at the University of California at San Francisco, has concluded that particles of gold nanoparticles help in the discovery of cells cancer, and when heated can destroy cancer cells.Expected to apply his invention in the treatment of cancer foil gold nanoparticles within seven years from now, after the successful 100% of infected animals in the treatment of human cancers using nanometric gold compounds.Got the world, Dr. Mustafa Ali's highest accolade, a scientific American in the field of chemistry for 2007, and received at a ceremony in the White House in September 2008, and received the National Medal of Science, Technology and Innovation, was honored in a number of scientists have made about 100 innovation record of their names and influenced thought scientific, and chairing the scientific institutions and departments in the best American universities.Dr. Mostafa El-Sayed received this award in recognition of his contributions to the understanding of human visual and electronic properties of nanomaterials and their applications in nanoscale stimulation of Medicine and the nanoscale, and also for his humanitarian efforts in promoting the exchange of ideas and for his role in the development of future leadership in science.He was awarded the Order of the Republic of the first layer in the January 28, 2009 - Egypt